《雅思口语真经总纲1.0》话题实战训练笔记part1——Work or study(必考)



  • Work or study(必考)
    • Are you a student or do you have a job?
      • 20240630
        • 评价
        • 优化后
      • 范例答案
    • Do you like your job?
      • 20240701
        • 评价
        • 优化后
      • 范例答案
    • Why did you choose this job?
      • 20240702
        • 评价
      • 范例答案
    • Do you plan to change jobs in the future?
      • 20240702
        • 评价
      • 范例答案
    • Why did you choose this major?
    • What are you going to do after you finish your studies?

Work or study(必考)

Are you a student or do you have a job?


I have a job, I’m a programer and I have been doing it for nearly 6 years.




I have a job and I’ve been working as a programer for five years.


A1: I have a job and I’ve been working as an accountant for five years.

A2: I’m a university student and I study accounting. I’ve been
studying it for three years and I’m going to graduate next year.

Do you like your job?


Not really, I work as program just for its suitable salary, actually, I often work overtime to fullfill my leader’s demands, sometimes it really make me very tired. But even like this, cause I’m a responsible person, I’ll still take it seriously of my job.




回答中有几处语法错误,需要修正。例如,“work as program”应为“work as a programmer”,“fullfill”应为“fulfill”,“make me very tired”应使用一致性的时态“makes me very tired”,“take it seriously of my job”应简化为“take my job seriously”。


Actually, I don’t really enjoy my job. I work as a programmer mainly because the salary meets my needs. Often, I have to work overtime to meet my leader’s demands, which can be exhausting. Despite this, I take my responsibilities seriously and strive to do my best, as I consider myself a dedicated and responsible person.

Often, I have to work overtime to meet my leader's demandsoften也可以放句子里:I often have to work overtime to meet my leader's demands

Despite this前可以加but,如:But despite this


A: Well, not really. I can’t say I’m a fan of my job because it’s super stressful. I always have to work overtime on weekdays and there’s even work to do on the weekend from time to time. More importantly, the pay isn’t that satisfying. The reason I’m taking this test is because I want to study overseas so that I can be more competitive in the job market and find a better-paying job.

Why did you choose this job?


As I mentioned before, I chose this job mainly because the salary meets my needs, but apart form this reason, there are serveral points appeal me. First of all, the programming work is relatively easy in physical level, you just need sit in front of the screen and tap your fingers, you don’t need to go out to do some physical work. Secondly, the information is the trend of future development, I think it’ll contribute to my job career.


首先,你的回答中有一些小的语法错误和表达可以改进的地方。例如,“apart form this reason”应该是“apart from this reason”,“serveral points appeal me”应该是“several points appeal to me”。这些改正能帮助你的语言听起来更自然,更符合英语习惯。

其次,你的表达“the programming work is relatively easy in physical level”可以改为更自然的表达方式:“the programming work is not physically demanding”。这样的说法更地道,也更简洁。

关于“information is the trend of future development”,这个表达有些模糊,可能你是想表达“Information technology is a major trend in future development”或者“Digitization is a key trend for the future”。这样的表达更清晰,也更具体。


“As I mentioned before, I chose this job primarily because the salary meets my needs. Apart from this reason, there are several other aspects that appeal to me. First of all, the programming work is not physically demanding; you simply sit in front of a screen and type, without the need for physical labor. Secondly, recognizing that digitization is a key trend for the future, I believe this field will contribute significantly to my career prospects.”


“Like I said before, I mostly chose this job because the pay is good. But there are a few other things I like about it too. For starters, programming isn’t physically demanding—you basically just sit at a computer and type, no heavy lifting involved. Plus, I know digital skills are big for the future, so working in this field should really help my career down the line.”


A: I chose this job as a Chinese teacher mainly because I had always been crazy about Chinese literature. Reading was my only pastime when I was growing up, so studying Chinese literature and then becoming a Chinese teacher seemed like a natural option.

Do you plan to change jobs in the future?


It is possible, there is a old and it says that “Trees die when they move while human live when they move”, so I think it is possible that I may change my job in the future, maybe I’ll resign my job and go to another company, or give up programming and doing another type of work, cause I persue a more better life.


回答中有些停顿和重复词汇,比如多次使用“possible”和“move”,这影响了流畅度。词汇使用基本得体,但表达方式有些直接,缺乏变化和高级词汇。存在一些语法错误,如使用“a more better life”(应为“a better life”),并且句子结构有待改进。


“It is possible that I might change jobs in the future. There’s an old saying, ‘Trees die when they move, but humans thrive.’ Based on this, I believe that changing environments can be beneficial. Therefore, I might consider leaving my current position for another company, or even switch from programming to a different field altogether. My motivation for such a change would be the pursuit of a better quality of life.”

这个版本更加流畅,语法也更加正确,同时也用更自然的方式表达了同样的观点。我避免了重复的词汇(如“可能”改为“might”以减少重复使用“possible”),并且改进了一些表达(如“give up programming and doing another type of work”改为“switch from programming to a different field”)以使语言更加地道。此外,我还增加了一些连接词(如“based on this”和“therefore”)来增强回答的逻辑性和连贯性。


“I might change jobs down the line. There’s this old saying, ‘Trees die when they move, but people thrive.’ It means that changing things up can be good. So, I might think about leaving my current job for a different company, or maybe even switch to a totally different field. The main reason would be to have a better quality of life.”

  1. “Down the line”:这个短语通常用来指将来某个时间点发生的事情,特别是经过一段时间后。它是一种非正式的说法,相当于“最终”或“在将来”。

  2. “Changing things up” 与 “changing things”:在“change”中加上“up”使得这个短语感觉更动态、更完整,暗示了更彻底或显著的变化。不加“up”的“changing things”依然可用,但可能听起来稍微正式一点,或者对变化的程度强调不够。

  3. 在“leaving my current job for a different company”中使用“for”与“to”:在这个上下文中,“for”用来表达离开工作的目的,即加入另一家公司。使用“to”(“leaving my current job to join a different company”)在语法上也是正确的,几乎可以互换使用。然而,“for”有时可以表达更广泛的原因或目的,而“to”通常介绍接下来的直接动作或步骤。这两个介词都可用,但它们可能会略微改变句子的强调点。


A: Yes, I do, and this is partly why I’m sitting here today taking this test. What I’m doing isn’t exactly my dream job——I’m doing this only because I believed it would have good job security. But after several years of being in this field, I’ve realised that I really have to pursue my dream, which is to become a fashion designer, and this is why I’m going to further my studies in the UK.

Why did you choose this major?

What are you going to do after you finish your studies?







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